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Journal Article

Interactive Synthesis of Human-Object Interaction


We present an interactive motion editing tool for creating dynamic scenes with human and object interaction. Our approach solves for an optimal control problem that leverages methods for physics-based rigid body control and kinematics-based human motion editing. Because the humans and the objects are coupled via physical contacts, our interface allows the animator to directly change the trajectories of humans or objects and simultaneously render the effect of the edits on the entire scene. Consequently, the animator can efficiently create complex interaction that requires precise synchronization, such as juggling. Our framework is generic to the choice of human motion editing method, as long as the differential information of the motion can be computed.

Paper   Video

Sumit Jain
C. Karen Liu
Journal Name
ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA), 2009
Publication Date
July, 2009